Query tools (since 2003-2004)

Dean Gibson's
Amateur Radio Tools

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AE7Q Query Tools for Handhelds

Other tools main page

Lookup callsign histories & applications, available Amateur Extra callsigns, vanity callsign predictions, and more, using our copy of the FCC's amateur license & application databases (automatically updated from FCC data several times a day): Database Query Tools  
Ask questions about the above, or any other topic: Message Board  

Get a new FCC license!
Generate a reference copy
Print a color copy of your FCC license, suitable for posting, framing, or laminating & carrying.

Misc. items of interest:

Only the links on this page are guaranteed to be preserved; bookmarking other pages may result in errors when web pages are changed.

I am not your vanity application private consultant! Private messages (regardless of whether you feel there is a special reason for your application) on these and associated topics will be ignored, rebuffed, and/or made public.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, use the AE7Q message board. I've spent a considerable amount of time documenting the vanity application process. I've created a message board,where I and others have publicly answered very common questions, so that we don't have to repeatedly answer them, particularly in private communications.

Copyright © 2004-2021[-05-12 @ 06:25 UTC] by Dean K. Gibson ( on 2024-12-05 @ 00:19:25 UTC + 0.016). Privacy policy.