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AE7Q Query Tools for Handhelds
Canadian amateur licenses by province, state, or territory
  • There are no license records that show "12 WPM (C)" qualifications.
  • The Canadian callsign database is updated daily.

Canadian amateur licenses by province, state, or territory
Province or State Geo
AB - AlbertaCA/6135717525232554310
BC - British ColumbiaCA/7271463158277499921
MB - ManitobaCA/4427727321161347
NB - New BrunswickCA/9177846311501042
NL - Newfoundland/LabradorCA/1606156997787
NS - Nova ScotiaCA/116614812281411683
NT - Northwest TerritoriesCA/831035755
NU - NunavutCA/03220126
ON - OntarioCA/320051096971473213547
PE - Prince Edward IslandCA/2341618423257
QC - QuebecCA/2266656858054589497
SK - SaskatchewanCA/522266719761083
YT - YukonCA/12485933124
NT - Northern TerritoryAU/810102
- ??????5013811543481690

I am not your vanity application private consultant! Private messages (regardless of whether you feel there is a special reason for your application) on these and associated topics will be ignored, rebuffed, and/or made public.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, use the AE7Q message board. I've spent a considerable amount of time documenting the vanity application process. I've created a message board,where I and others have publicly answered very common questions, so that we don't have to repeatedly answer them, particularly in private communications.

Copyright © 2004-2010[-11-04 @ 05:17 UTC] by Dean K. Gibson ([123] on 2025-02-18 @ 10:07:19 UTC + 1.101). Privacy policy.